Grade 3 Learners Materials / Learning Materials

Some of the Learning Materials Content Highlights:For effective language acquisition and learning to take place, language teachers must be guided by the six (6) language teaching principles. These principles explain the natural process of language development.


1. Spiral Progression Skills, grammatical items, structures and various types of texts will be taught, revised and revisited at increasing levels of difficulty and sophistication. This will allow students to progress from the foundational level to higher levels of language use.


2. Interaction Language learning will be situated in the context of communication (oral and written). Activities that simulate real-life situations of varying language demands (purposes, topics, and audiences) will be employed to help students interact with others thereby improve their socialization skills.


3. Integration The areas of language learning – the receptive skills, the productive skills, and grammar and vocabulary will be taught in an integrated way, together with the use of relevant print and non-print resources, to provide multiple perspectives and meaningful connections. Integration may come in different types either implicitly or explicitly (skills, content, theme, topic, and values integration).


4. Learner-Centeredness Learners are at the center of the teaching-learning process. Teaching will be differentiated according to students’ needs, abilities and interests. Effective pedagogies will be used to engage them and to strengthen their language development.


5. Contextualization Learning tasks and activities will be designed for learners to acquire the language in authentic and meaningful contexts of use. For example, lessons will be planned around learning outcomes, a theme, or a type of text to help learners use related language skills, grammatical items/structures and vocabulary appropriately in spoken and written language to suit the purpose, audience, context and culture. Learning points will be reinforced through explicit instruction and related follow-up practice.


6. Construction Making meaning is the heart of language learning and use. Learning tasks and activities will be designed for learners in such a way that they will have time to reflect on and respond to ideas and information. Learners will be provided with sufficient scaffolding so that they will be able to reach their full cognitive, affective, and psychomotor potentials and become independent learners who are good consumers and constructors of meaning.



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These instructional materials were collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education

/ Learning Materials / Learners Materials / Instructional Materials

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